Data breaches

October 29, 2022

Data breaches can be far more than just a source of anxiety; they can alter the course of your life. When sensitive information is exposed, it can cause major problems for businesses, governments, and individuals alike. Hackers can access you whether you are offline or online by using the internet, Bluetooth, text messages, or the online services you use.

The assumption is that a data breach is the result of an external hacker, but this is not always the case.

In some cases, the causes of data breaches can be traced back to deliberate attacks. It could, however, be the result of a simple oversight by individuals or flaws in a company’s infrastructure.

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  • ?? ?????????? ???????. An example would be an employee reading file on a coworker’s computer without the proper authorization permissions. The access is accidental, and no information is disclosed. The data, however, is considered compromised because it was viewed by an unauthorized person.
  • ? ????????? ???????. This individual accesses and/or shares data on purpose with the intent of causing harm to an individual or company. The malicious insider may have legitimate authorization to use the data, but the intent is to use it maliciously.
  • ???? ?? ?????? ???????. An unencrypted and unlocked laptop or external hard drive containing sensitive information is stolen. Outside criminals who are malicious. These are hackers who use a variety of attack vectors to gather data from a network or an individual.



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